Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Reading is one of my favourite ways to relax and pass time. When I fall into a book full of wonderful images I always emerge with an unbandance of ideas for my wardrobe and house... I'm not sure my fiance thinks my ideas are as good as I think they are!

I could look through a book 100 times and never fail to draw inspiration. Below are some of the Fashion and Interior Design books (old and new) I'm looking to add to my collection:

One of my friends recently said to me "books will become obselete in the future", which is quite sad and I don't believe it to be true! There are lots of people like me who enjoy collecting novels by thier favourite author or design/photography/fashion books. You can't feel and touch the pages on an iPad - admittedly I used my iPad as a reader for the first time last month to read 'The Help'...

Images all from Amazon

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